
We are always on the lookout for talented individuals with drive who want to contribute to our story and become part of our TOPTEAM!

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If you have a keen interest in joining our team but haven't found the ideal opportunity listed, we encourage you to reach out. We believe that you may possess the qualities we're seeking, so don't hesitate to share your interest with us.

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Looking for a great internship, where you are guaranteed to learn a lot?

At Verstraete we are happy to guide you, both on site and in the office.

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Holiday Jobs

Would you like to earn some extra cash during the holidays?

We are always in need of additional assistance!

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Contact Stefaan

Our onboarding process

Prior to commencing your journey with, several essential steps are undertaken. This process facilitates mutual acquaintance and the identification of an appropriate role that aligns with your skills and aspirations. Moreover, even after your successful recruitment, we are committed to providing continuous support by collaboratively exploring avenues to enhance your professional development.

View the full process

Some of our jobs


Construction Project Manager - relocate to Belgium

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Verstraete - Construction Project Manager - relocate to Belgium


Construction Site Manager - willing to relocate to Belgium

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Verstraete - Construction Site Manager - willing to relocate to Belgium


Project Manager- Renovation & Restoration Projects

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Verstraete - Project Manager- Renovation & Restoration Projects


BIM Cost Estimator - willing to relocate to Belgium

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Verstraete - BIM Cost Estimator - willing to relocate to Belgium


Construction craftsman - bricklayer

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Verstraete - Construction craftsman - bricklayer

Spontaneous application?

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All our jobs

Embracing and securing the future by continuing to optimize our work and investing in ownership of all employees

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De evoluties van ons bedrijf gingen gepaard met een stijging van het aantal medewerkers. Met het ESF-opleidingsproject kunnen we onze medewerkers beter ondersteunen en begeleiden in het nemen van ownership (opleidingen onder de cluster sociale vaardigheden) en het werken met het ERP-pakket (opleidingen onder de cluster digitale vaardigheden).

Met het ESF-project Duurzaam Loopbaanbeleid wensen we onze beoogde cultuur te blijven nastreven waarin veiligheid, uitdagende projecten zoeken, een jong team met groeimogelijkheden, een aangename werksfeer en een goede, duidelijke structuur centraal staan. We willen dit doen door in het HR-beleid te werken aan het onthaal, de work-life balance, het competentiebeleid, het loopbaanbeleid, leiderschap en de jobinhoud. Beide ESF-projecten worden gesteund met behulp van financiële steun van ESF.

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